Mainstays Chiminea Outdoor Fireplace

Chiminea Outdoor Fireplace


Looking for a wood-burning outdoor fireplace, look at the Mainstays Chiminea Outdoor Fireplace for something a little different.  With a 360-degree view of your fire and total protection from the embers, you will have many hours around the fire with your friends and family.

This metal version of the chiminea will last a long time with proper care, just don't leave it out in the weather for long periods of time without a cover.  At least if it falls over it will not break like the ones that are made from a pottery type of material.

Now let us look at the details of this outdoor chiminea and see what details will work for you.  If you would like to look at some of my other ideas in the wood-burning fire pits, see some of my posts here.

Mainstays 22-Inch Round Steel Wood Burning Outdoor Chiminea

Price when this article was written: $78.59

Where to get the best price online:

For my information in a video format, click the following link

Mainstays 22-Inch Round Steel Wood BurningWhat do you get in the box?

In the box, you will get a round steel framed chiminea that is 22 inches across.  A round fire bowl at the bottom will hold up to 5 pounds of wood to burn at a time.  Four legs will keep you chiminea off the ground.

A hinged door with a latch will allow access to the burn area so that you can adjust your logs, start your fire, keep logs turned for a better burn, and for getting out the ashes when finished.

The top will have a spark arrestor built into the chimney.  All four sides will have panels with mesh screens to keep the embers under control.  A forked poker will be long enough to stir the fire and adjust the logs as needed.

The fire pit will be 22 inches across, 30 inches tall, and will weigh 23 pounds empty.  The lightweight will make it easy to move when needed.

This will be a great choice for a fire pit for smaller areas, at only 22 inches wide this fire pit will have one of the smallest footprints of a wood-burning choice for your outdoor areas.


Chiminea Outdoor Fireplace-Mainstays chiminea fire bowl and doorAssembly and care of your chiminea

Most will find that it will be easy to assemble this fire pit, all of the tools should be included in your hardware pack.  It should take someone will little skills about 30 minutes to put together.

The four legs attach to the burn bowl and top.  Make sure the chiminea is on a flat surface before the final tightening of this hardware for the best results.  Add three side screens and then the door.

Proper care would be to keep ashes cleaned out and cover it when not in use (no cover is included with purchase).  Any excess moisture in the bottom of the burn bowl will quickly rust out the bottom.


Chiminea Outdoor Fireplace-Mainstays Chiminea chimneyPros

  • 360-degree view of the flame
  • A good amount of heat
  • Spark arrester built into the chimney


  • Not made to cook on
  • Can only add wood and stir fire when the door is opened
  • Some might think it is too small

Things that will make a wood-burning fire pit a bit easier to use

Fire Wood Log Rack CoversFirewood storage racks

I have several four-foot firewood storage racks around my place.  I keep one in the garage to keep some wood dry for a quickfire (I also have a fireplace in my home).  They come apart when I want to store them so they take up little room when not needed.

For more information and sizes on firewood storage racks, look at my posts here.


Landmann log caddyLog mover carts

I have a woodpile in the back yard when I need a little wood for a camping trip or just a quickfire in the yard, I use my log cart.  Much like a two-wheeler adapted for wood, I can move a big pile of wood at one time with little effort.

It even goes up and down steps with a load with little effort.  I take this camping and can move the wood from the truck to a remote campsite with ease.  For more information on a log mover cart, see my post here.


Black Ash bucket with lid and shovelAsh buckets with shovels

After the fire is over and the ashes are cool, you will have to clean out your chiminea.  An ash bucket with a shovel will make this task easier.  Just scoop out the ashes and take them to your garden or other favorite dumping places for ashes.

For more of my information on ash buckets with shovels, see my post here.



For more information on the Mainstays chiminea, click the link below.

Mainstays Chiminea

Chiminea Outdoor Fireplace-Mainstays poker for chimineaWhat are my final thoughts on this chiminea?

For those looking for a fire pit and have a small outdoor area to have a fire, this Mainstays Chiminea Outdoor Fireplace will work well.  At only 22 inches across it will take up little space and give out a good amount of heat.  You will find it difficult to make smores or hotdogs on this firepit, which is not its intended purpose.

I find that if you take care of a steel fire pit, keep it covered or stored in a shed when not in use, it will last quite a few years.  I have a flat steel fire pit that I have had for almost 15 years, I keep in the garage when not in use and it is just now showing some signs of rust, you may have different results depending on your climate and storage solutions.

Any questions or comments on this or any other post on my site, use the forms below and I will get back to you shortly.

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